這裡紀錄了關於我的手作作品! ~歡迎跟我一樣愛好編織的好友 大家互相交流學習~

2012年11月16日 星期五


2/26 ~ 常見英文棒針用語(持續補充中) Common English Knitting Terms (continuously updated)分類:編織分享 Sharing Resources2009/02/26 07:09上回的【教學】如何看英文棒針織圖-初級篇介紹了基本英文讀法,相信各位織女們都多了些概念,也希望大家會更願意嘗試多采多姿的英文織法囉!After demonstrating the fundamental principles for reading English knitting patterns in【Lesson】How to Read an English Knitting Pattern-Beginner,I hope that everyone has gained greater familiarity with English patterns,and is also more willing to try out new patterns!在此媽咪整理了一些英文織圖中較常出現的縮寫與名詞,以供大家參考。很多前輩也整理過類似的文章,媽咪的未必會更詳細或更精準,純粹是方便大家跟媽咪其他的教學篇一起對照,有時間媽咪也會陸續將其它歐美常見的名詞和織法補充上去。In this article I have compiled some of the more common abbreviations and knitting terms for reference.Many expert knitters in Taiwan have already done something similar,and my compilation is not necessarily more detailed or more accurate,but is purely for convenience in cross-referencing with my other teaching articles.When there is time I will continue adding other common English knitting terms and techniques to this table.另外提醒大家,因為歐美編織的國家與地區很多,編織用語未必完全統一,甚至偶有「一字多用」的現象,看英文織圖的時候還是要優先對照織圖(或書)上所附的縮寫表喔!有時候看來陌生的名詞其實並不是新織法,而是不同的名字而已啦~(當然特殊或新的織法是一定會有額外的說明的唷~)As a reminder, given that there are so many countries and regions knitting around the world,the English knitting terminology is not always uniform for everyone,and sometimes the same word even means different things in different patterns.When you try out a new pattern,remember to always FIRST refer to the glossary or list of abbreviations provided by the pattern (or book)!Sometimes an unfamiliar term is not necessarily a new technique,just a different name!(Naturally special or new techniques will always warrant extra explanatory space~)媽咪自己也還是編織新手,以下翻譯與說明若有錯誤請各位前輩不吝指點喔~~若要引用請引用完整文章,並注明出處唷!Actually I am still relatively new to knitting,and if there is any mistake in the translations and explanations provided below, please do do DO let me know!!If you wish to cite this article, please cite the whole article and name the author!)****************************************************AAbbreviations 縮寫表alt = alternate 每隔一段applied I-cord 直接與織片連接的包邊編織 Approx = approximate(ly) 大約as established = 依前文已架構好的織法繼續織B backwards knitting 反方向編織before 之前beg = begin 開始block 整燙BO = bind off 收針bobble 球針break yarn 將編織線剪斷Ccable 麻花cable cast-on 麻花式起針法(也常用於直接製作鈕扣孔,完成的邊邊很美,建議右手可換鉤針進行)cast off 收針CB = cable back 向右傾斜的麻花編(例如:C6B = 前三針放後面,織三針,再織前面的三針)CC = contrasting color 對比色CF = cable front 向左傾斜的麻花編(例如:C6F = 前三針放前面,織三針,再織前面的三針)chart 模樣編織圖circular cast-on 環狀起針法(也稱為 Emily Ocker's cast-on,常用於圓形蕾絲披肩起針,此影片示範兩種環狀起針方式)circular needles 輪針cm = centimeter 公分cn = cable needle 麻花針CO = cast on 起針Cont = continue 繼續continental cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 double cast-on 或 long-tail cast-on)Ddec = decrease 減針DK = double knitting 雙層編織double cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 continental cast-on 或 long-tail cast-on)double seed stitch 桂花針(每兩段上下針替換,美式說法;英式稱為 moss stitch)dpn = double-pointed needles 雙頭棒針draw through all stitches 穿過所有針數draw up tightly 拉緊drop stitch 放掉一針(也就是我們常常不小心作的「掉針」啦)Eeach end of a row 一段的兩端(也就是一段的起始和末端)Emily Ocker's cast-on 環狀起針法(也稱為 circular cast-on,常用於圓形蕾絲披肩起針,此影片示範兩種環狀起針方式)end 結尾;一段的一端ends 一段的兩端entrelac 格狀編織EOR = every other row 每隔一段Ffacing 面向(例如:right side facing 織片正面朝向編織者)fasten off 固定後剪線結束foll = follow(ing) 以下‘ = foot (feet) 英尺Gg = gram(s) 公克garter stitch 起伏針gauge 密度Glossary 術語表HII-cord 包邊編織(可用於緣編、鈕扣孔、製作編織繩等等)I-cord, applied 直接與織片連接的包邊編織 inc = increase 加針“ = inch(es) 英吋insert marker 放入記號JJudy's magic cast-on 茱蒂式襪子起針法(從襪尖開始,不會有洞洞)Kk = knit 下針k1-b = knit one stitch in back loop 扭下針k1f&b = kfb = knit 1 front and back 在同一針織下針與扭針(一種加針方式)k2tog = knit two stitches together 左上二併針(日符號:「人」)kfb = k1f&b = knit 1 front and back 在同一針織下針與扭針(一種加針方式)Kitchener stitch 全下針的段對段縫合knitted cast on 加針起針法(又稱為 knitting on)knitting needles 棒針ktbl = knit stitch through back look 扭下針kw = knitwise 下針方向Llb = pound(s) 磅leave a long end 留下長線尾leave a XX" end 留下 XX" 長度的線尾LH = left hand 左手long-tail cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 continental cast-on 或 double cast-on)lp(s) = loop(s) 圈圈LT 向右傾斜的麻花編Mm = meter(s) 公尺M1 = make 1 stitch 加一針(從下方挑針的方式,可分從右側或左側)M1L = make 1 stitch to the left 從右側加一針M1R = make 1 stitch to the right 從左側加一針M1P = make 1 purl stitchmagic loop 魔法圈編織法(於少針數時,不須使用4或5根雙頭棒針,而改用一支80cm長輪針做輪狀編織)marker 記號MB = make a bobble 做球針MC = main color 主色moebius cast-on (Cat Bordhi style) 梅式翻轉起針法(Cat Bordhi 方式,常見於翻轉披肩起針)mm = millimeter(s) 公釐moss stitch 桂花針(英式與美式略有不同:英式為每段上下針替換,美式為每兩段上下針替換,英式moss stitch 在美式織圖中稱為 seed stitch)Nneedle 針(可能指棒針或縫針)next 再來no stitch = skip to next square on chart 無針,直接跳到織圖的下一格nupp 結粒針(在同一針裡重複織下針、空針,視想要的結粒針大小而決定下針與空針數量,可於同一段即以鉤針全部併針完成,或於下一段再將所有下針與空針併成一針完成)Oomit 省略不織oz = ounce(s) 盎司Pp = purl 上針patt = pattern 花樣,模樣編pattern repeat 重複模樣編p2sso = pass 2 slipped stitches over together 將兩滑針套過左側針p2tog = purl two stitches together 上針的左上二併針(日符號:「人-」)p3tog = purl three stitches together 上針的左上三併針picot 凸編plain stitch 平針pm = place marker 放記號圈provisional cast on 別線起針psso = pass slipped stitch over 將滑針套過左側針ptm = place travelling marker 放行動式記號圈PU = pick up and knit 挑針繼續織pw = purlwise 上針方向QRrem = remaining 剩餘的rep(s) = repeat(s) 重複RH = right hand 右手rib stitch 鬆緊編ribbing 鬆緊編row 段rnd(s) = round(s) 輪RT 向左傾斜的麻花編rv ST st = reverse stockinette stitch 全上針的平針RS = right side 右邊Ss2kp = sl 2-k1-p2sso = slip two stitches as if to k2-tog, knit the next stitch, pass the two slipped stitches together over the knit stitch (centralized double decrease) 中上三併針(以下針方向一起滑兩針、織一下針、將兩滑針一起套過下針)section(s) 區塊seed stitch 桂花針(每段上下針替換,美式說法)short row(s) 引返編skp = skpo = sl 1-k1-psso = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch (left slanting decrease) (similar to ssk) 右上二併針(滑一針、織一下針、將滑針套過下針)(日符號:「入」,與 ssk 織法稍微不同但效果類似)Sk2p = sl 1-k2 tog-psso = slip one stitch, knit next two stitches together, pass slipped stitch over the k2-tog stitch (double decrease) 右上三併針(滑一針、織左下二併針、將滑針套過併針)simple cast-on 簡易式起針法(影片介紹兩種方向)sl = sl st = slip stitch 滑針(掛線可能在織片前方或在後方,詳細說明參考各類滑針)sl1k = slip one knitwise 下針方向的滑針sl1p = slip one purlwise 上針方向的滑針slip marker 將記號圈滑到另一棒針sp2p = sl 1 knitwise, p2tog, psso = slip 1 knitwise, purl 2 together, pass slipped stitch over purled stitch 以下針方向滑一針、織左上二併針、將滑針套過併針ssk = slip, slip, knit = slip two stitches knitwise, one at a time, then insert left-hand needle point into the fronts of these two stitches, and knit them together (left slanting decrease) (similar to skp) 右上二併針(以下針方向分別滑兩針、將左棒針穿過兩滑針前方,織成一個下針)(日符號:「入」,與 skp 織法稍微不同但效果類似)ssp = slip, slip, purl 上針的右上二併針(日符號:「入-」)st(s) = stitch(es) 針St st = stockinette stitch (all knit) 平針(正面全下針)TT2B = Twist 2 Back 將下一針滑到麻花針上,麻花針放在織片後方,從左棒針織一下針,再從麻花針織一上針 (兩針右傾麻花編)T2F = Twist 2 Front 將下一針滑到麻花針上,麻花針放在織片前方,從左棒針織一上針,再從麻花針織一下針(兩針左傾麻花編)tapestry needle 縫針tbl = through back loop 從針目後方穿入棒針(通常有扭針的效果)tension 密度the end of a row 一段的末端thread 線thread through stitches 將線穿入針目tight / tightly 緊tog = together 一起travelling marker 行動式記號圈tubular cast-on 柱狀起針法(也可當鬆緊編起針)twisted German cast-on 德式扭轉起針法(起針較有彈性,也適用於鬆緊編起針)Uuntil 直到VWwaste yarn 別線(直譯為「廢線」)WC = wrapped cable 繞線麻花針work even 以同花樣繼續織,不另外加減針worked over two rows 分兩段編織完成WS = wrong side 反面WT = wrap and turn 將掛線繞過針腳,然後翻面(引返編的一個步驟)wyib = with yarn in back 掛線在織片後方wyif = with yarn in front 掛線在織片前方XYyarn 編織線yd = yard(s) 碼yf = yarn forward 將掛線放在織片前方yo = yarn over 空針 Z


